From the Principal's Office
BCES continues to grow and develop into a supportive learning environment for both students and staff. Although a large school, upon visiting one will quickly realize that we truly are a close-knit community. BCES is very fortunate to be supported by our families and the district at large.
The first floors of each village house our kindergarten through grade two students, with K and 1 in Pine and Oak Villages, and Grade 2 in Maple. Our third, fourth, and fifth grade classrooms are grouped separately on the second floors of each village, in Oak, Pine, and Maple, respectively. This allows for flexible grouping in meeting students' academic needs, while offering further opportunities for students to be housed with their own peer group.
Ultimately, from time to time, questions will arise for you. We want to assure you that we are here to partner with you in your child's best interest. This partnership begins at the classroom level, so we encourage you to direct your questions to your child's teacher first. He or she will most likely be best suited to provide you with the information or assistance that you need, as that is who works most closely with your child. If, however, your questions or concerns continue, building administrators appreciate the opportunity to work with you as well.
We look forward to working with you throughout the year!
Craig Pendleton, Principal
Molly Mingione, Assistant Principal